Equipping your units is crucial for increasing key stats. Hull and weapon slots are the most important slots to equip early game, increasing your attack and hitpoints. Don’t forget to upgrade your gear with credits, as every 4 levels you will gain additional stats. Follow these steps to manage your gear:
- Go to the “Hangar” and select the commander you wish to equip
- Tap a gear item and tap "Equip" or "Upgrade"
- You can also remove gear by tapping your equipped gear on the left-most panel
What kind of gear should I equip on my units?
Here are some basic suggestions to get you going:
Generally speaking, bounties award the following types of equipment:
- Fenri Khaliriz Bounty awards equipment for Attackers
- Mama Maglienza Bounty awards equipment for Debuffers
- General Colosso Bounty awards equipment for Defenders
- Eelune Nephula Bounty awards equipment for Supporters