If you have not created an account or cannot remember the email used to register, please contact us here. Be sure to include as many of the below details as possible.
- Account name
- Date the account was created
- Name of the alliance, if in one
- Last login date
- The gameplay progress of the account
- If a purchase was made, a receipt of a purchase
- A possibly associated email address
Purchase receipts
For information on how to access your purchase history, check the articles below:
Google Play (Android): Review your order history
App Store (IOS): See your purchase history for the App Store or iTunes Store
Steam: How/ where can I view my transaction history?
Note: For purchases made through the PC client downloaded from our website, you will receive an email confirmation. This confirmation serves as proof of purchase and can be used to verify your transaction if you need to recover your account.
If you have created an account, select the drop-down menu and go to settings (highlighted below), and tap account to login.